A Design Week full of energy

  • Live the Fuorisalone 2021 without worries! At your disposal numerous Caricami mobile charging stations throughout the city of Milan.
  • We’ll give you the first hour of top-up for free with the code FUORISALONE

Thanks to the partnership between Caricami and INTERNI CREATIVE CONNECTIONS, the press room of the University of Milan and the Botanical Garden are equipped with Caricami mobile phone charging stations. Furthermore, from 4 to 10 September 2021 during the new edition of Fuorisalone in Milan, it will be possible to take advantage of the dense network of Caricami charging stations in the city where you can rent a power bank and recharge your mobile phones in complete mobility.

We’ll give you the first hour of rental for free!

By entering the FUORISALONE code in the Caricami app (available on the PlayStore and App Store), 1 hour of free recharge will be credited. This code can be used once a day from 4 to 10 September 2021 and, once redeemed, you will have 1 bonus hour to use during the day.

How to rent a Caricami battery?

  • Download the Caricami app
  • Find the charging station closest to you
  • Scan the QR code to unlock your power bank
  • Recharge in complete mobility
  • Return the powerbank to any mobile charging station in our network


Click here to download the Caricami app!

Interni’s FuoriSalone 2021, read more.

To find out more about the protagonists of the Design Week click here.

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