caricami expo

Caricami at MADE expo 2021

We are happy to participate in MADE expo #we build the future.

MADE expo 2021 is the place where innovative products and solutions for comfort, sustainability, safety, quality and construction speed present their technical value to designers, businesses and the world of distribution.

Design, construction, renovation, redevelopment, maintenance are interpreted by MADE expo 2021 in a new layout that facilitates visits by professionals, favoring the encounter between technical challenges and innovative solutions and between supply and demand.

The exhibition layout is divided into four large thematic areas.

Our Caricami charging stations will be present in the “Rest Areas” of pavilions 1, 2 and 3, and in the International Buyer Lounge in pavilion 3. An exclusive promotion will be dedicated to all participants in the event for the use free of the service.

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